Crazy about knitting
It’s our Birthday!! We are now 10 years old. Just think of all the wonderful knitting you have
done and donated to our charities over the years. You are amazing and thank you for
making our club as great as it is.
This last month we have posted off parcels, delivered to Southmead Hospital and to The
RUH Bath as well as selling a huge number of chicks. Thank you.
On the stage are several knitting kits, cross stitch kits and pattern books, please help
yourselves to anything you can use.
Enjoy our birthday meeting especially the cake!!
Projects for March
1. Southmead Hospital are always in need of Twiddlemuffs, lap blankets
and teddies.
2. Baby and toddler cardigans and jumpers are needed by Spurgeons
who work with babies and their parents in the Wiltshire area.
3. RUH Bath would love more stuffed knitted hearts, knitted, or crocheted
in pastel colours and made in pairs.
4. Operation Orphan are still needing 6’x4’ blankets. Also strips 6’ long
which can be sewn into blankets.
5. The Seafarers Mission are needing men and women’s hats, gloves,
Balaclavas, and scarves.
6. AgeUK little Innocent hats are also needed, made from all your left-
over yarn �
Next meetings Wednesday 3 rd April 2025 10.00am –12.00noon
and Thursday 4 th April 2025 6.45pm – 8.45pm
at Melksham Baptist Church
Cost £2.00.
Please bring any knitting you have already done and want to donate to our charities.
It will be lovely to see you and Happy Knitting
‘Like’ us on Facebook ‘crazy about knitting’
Contact 07867 757697