Melksham Family of Churches There are other churches in the town that are not


There are other churches in the town that are not in membership of the ‘Family’, including:

Insert after Good News Church:

Queensway Chapel, Pembroke Road (corner with Queensway), which meets every Sunday at 10.30am

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Except during the Coronavirus lockdown, principal activities co-ordinated by the Family of Churches include – 

  • Melksham Foodbank and Lifeline Drop-in facility for refreshments and a chat

  • Melksham Messy Church

  • Summer Holiday Club and Light Party on 31st October

  • Prayer in the Market Place every Saturday morning

  • Easter events including Good Friday Walk of Witness and Family Day on Saturday or Easter Monday

  • Joint Pentecost Praise

  • Christmas carol singing in the Market Place 

Contact any of the member church leaders for more information.


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