Secretary: Alan McFall 07730 769662
02nd February 2025
Today we welcome
Ian and Mary
1 Samuel 1:1—20
Church News Prayer Topics
Points for prayer:
David Payne and family
Elaine Wiese staying with family in London.
Stella Burroughs, Will Dalgliesh, Margaret Edwards, Caroline,
Clare & Norman Hancock, Hilary McFall, Linda Morris,
Dorothy Robinson, Genny Wilson, Janet Woolley-Lane,
Christina & Peter Slade, Mick Bainton.
David Abbott, Linda Morris, Helen and and family— Helen still
recovering in hospital. Please hold the family in your
Michael Young’s friend, Brian Evans
Emma & Ian Wilkins and the volunteer’s from Gateway.
The late Robin Winn’s grandson Luke, patiently awaiting
kidney transplant
Foodbank clients, volunteers and regular donors
Sparklers members and their families.
Trevor Durston (one of our regular speakers)
The Royal Family.
As we look at a world so full of conflict and disruption,
violence and chaos let us be rooted in you and let your
waters of your peace flow out to all who are caught up in
such conflicts.
Refreshments — You are welcome to stay for a chat after the
service in the “Coffee Room”.
For information
Duty Rotas
Speakers: 09th February—Alan McFall
Notable Dates:
Ken’s 80th Birthday celebrations—09th February following
our service please join us to celebrate Ken’s 80th.
If you can sign up to come along and contribute towards this it
would be great to see you for this special time together.
Surveying Main Hall entrance Friday 7th February
Healing Café at that meeting space on 3rd Feb at 11.30am
Singing Practice—Today at 15:30 to practice songs/hymns for Has Been CANCELLED
next weeks service. Everyone very welcome
BMS Birthday Wishes for Chris Escott and Ken McCall.
As you listen to the sermon today keep in mind and try applying
KNOWING... Dedicate your life to an intimate personal relation-
ship with God through prayer and studying His Word.
GROWING... Actively invest yourself in our Church family, grow-
ing alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.
GOING... Deliberately share our faith in all we do, both inside
and outside the church walls.
Notes: 1 Samuel 1:1—20
Our Core Values
The WORD of God, LIFE with God, EQUALITY before God,
The COMMUNITY of God, the COMMAND of God,
TALKING with God, EATING with God, the KINGDOM of